Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
Genesis 3:8-9 (NIV)
When those lies told you that the sound of My presence was something to fear and run away from, you hid out of shame and condemnation.
But the sound of My presence was only the gentle wind that blew through the garden as the sunrays danced through the leaves. My presence was there to enjoy, soak and rest in. You believed the lie that it would eventually run dry and that you could find rest and peace in different places.
"Where are you?"
I know exactly where you are, but I want you to answer the question.
Where are you kid?
Hiding behind others' opinions and approval, just because you don't know your worth?
Living in depression and fear about what tomorrow might bring?
Dealing with those hurts and unfulfilled promises on your own?
It is only My presence that can bring healing and restoration. Your life should be a continuous walk with Me in the garden of your heart, enjoying My presence and finding rest and peace no matter what situation you might face. Gaining wisdom and perspective as you see things the way that I see them.
Where are you and what are you pursuing?
Looking back on life, there might be seasons where it felt like you invested so much time and effort into it, but it came to nothing. I'm not saying that you didn't learn out of that situation, but maybe one of the lessons could be to evaluate where and in whom you invest on a daily basis? What you surround yourself with will be the exact thing that will shape you in life.
Walk with Me and you will see your life transformed. I will open your eyes to see My plan and purpose for your life. My presence will surround you and mold you so that you can live out the plan that I've destined for you long before the earth's foundations were laid.
Where are you? In My perfect plan and will.
I love you, always and forever,