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See Me in the ordinary things


Good morning my child

Today is a new day with new opportunities. I can't wait for you to see what I have in store for you. I planned a special sunrise and sunset just for you. Handpicked the colors one by one. I love to paint my daily portraits just for you.

Dear one, I want you to remember that I am not only working in the extraordinary things in life but also in the day-to-day, ordinary things. I am working in the finest detail in your life. The people that you come to meet and the roads you take are not by chance.

My child, in this world you will have questions, you won't always understand why things happen the way they do. Sometimes you can get so lost in finding the reasons why that you forget to see my provision in the small things in life. I am weaving every single part of your life together. One day you will see the masterpiece of art and you will understand how it all fell into place. I want you to trust Me as I say in My word.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 NIV

So take your focus off from all the questions for a second and see how the leaves are falling, as the seasons are changing. I'm preparing the trees for the winter season. And although winter might not be full of green pastures and bright colors, the trees know that for them to be in their full bloom, they have to go through this season. They trust Me. I give water to the flowers where the human eye cannot see. I build a shelter for the birds of the sky and provide for the smallest of ants on the ground.

I am God, Lord of all, King of kings. I have not forgotten you, nor will I ever. I know you have a lot of things on your heart and I want you to share them with me. Don't stop praying until you feel you have no hope. Stop praying when I've answered your prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). I want you to earnestly seek me, My child. Remember that I look at your heart. Pray with boldness, pray as though you've already received what you've asked for.

See Me today in the ordinary and small things in your life.

Love you always,


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