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Born with purpose


Updated: Jun 14, 2021

I celebrate you every day, from the first time that I laid My eyes on you. When people didn't notice those small victories that you achieved, riding your first bike or that time that you passed your test that you worked so hard on, I saw it all.

I saw your tears and sat with you in the silence when it felt like your heart was broken. I wiped away the blood when you fell on your knees and there seemed to be no one around. I rejoiced when you gave up those things that held you back for so long. I comforted you in the time that you experienced loss and held your hand as you went to sleep. I protected you from so many plans that were formed against you that you didn't even know of (Genesis 50:20).

Even when you weren't celebrated as a child or may not even know to whom you were born to, I have that moment framed in My mind. The day that you were born into this world, you were born with purpose dear one.

Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
John 3:6 (NIV)

The day however that stands out far above the rest was the day that you were born to Me, through my Spirit, I cried out in joy as a Mother does when she sees her own flesh and a new life. You received new life on that day, heaven rejoiced and celebrated as you started living out that purpose (John 3:5-6).

And as Adam looked at Eve and said to her "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh" (Genesis 2:23), I look at you every day and know that you are "Spirit of My own Spirit, you have My heart, you are My child."

Love you always and forever,


Phil Whikham - It's always been you

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