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Be My hands and feet


I've made you in My likeness (Genesis 1:26). I gave you a unique part of Me that no one else has. I've placed a seal around your heart that only I can enter (Song of Solomon 8:6). I know your heart's desires and all your secrets. Still, I long for a deeper relationship with you. I've filled you with a passion for My creation and with your unique personality, you will reach the lost and bring light and love to places that have never experienced it (Matthew 10:8). Some might think it's strange, but in the end, it is My thoughts about you that matter the most (Colossians 3:2).

You are in this world, but not of it (John 15:19). I'm inviting you, asking you, to be My hands and feet on the earth. The world is full of evil and darkness, but if you shift your focus away from the raging storm, you will see My never-ending promise written in the sky (Genesis 9:12). My rainbow, My sign, showing you that I'm always with you.

Be My sign to others, dear one. Be My ambassador on the earth (2 Corinthians 5:20).

The eyes are indeed the window to the soul (Matthew 6:22-23). Look at others through My lens. Speak life over them by seeing the potential that I see from within their hearts (1 Samuel 16:7). I want you to pray for those around you, many have lost their families or have never had someone who believed in them or prayed for them. Let my Spirit guide you as you bring them in prayer before the Father (Romans 8:26). For no prayer will be left unheard (Mark 11:24).

Show mercy where others choose to hate. Forgive even when someone didn't even apologize. It's hard, I know child, but I chose to forgive you (Micah 7:18-19). That again is love, choosing to forgive even when it's not fair (Colossians 3:13). Let go and set others free, before it opens up a door to hate and anger. You can choose freedom and joy. It's only one step away and I'm with you through it all.

Be My hands, be My feet, be love and light to all those you meet.

Already proud of you kid!

Love you always,


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