The Lord woke me up one morning and I couldn't fall asleep again. Looking at the time I knew that this wasn't just to wake me up right before my alarm, but He wanted to share something with me.
I grabbed my journal, turned on the light, and wrote this question down:
"What's on Your heart Dad?"
His response made me sit in silence for a few minutes.
"What is in yours?"
What is in your heart? Unanswered questions, maybe it is full of thoughts about people close to you or something that you are really passionate about. Sometimes our hearts can also be full of lies that we believe. Throughout life we allow seeds to fall into our hearts. We permit whomever and whatever we put our trust in, to water those seeds. Only once those seeds take up root in our hearts, do we see the fruit of our actions. The problem is that some of us are struggling to deal with our emotions. We see the fruit in our lives, and somehow in the short term, we have developed ways to deal with it. We harvest those fruit and then we throw them away, just to find out that the tree is still carrying fruit because it's being watered every day.
We need to get to the root of this friends (Luke 6:44). What caused these feelings of wanting to belong or having a short temper in the first place? What experience did you go through to make that seed of unworthiness or pride take root in your heart?
For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, so the Lord God will [most certainly] cause righteousness and justice and praise to spring up before all the nations [through the power of His word].
Isaiah 61:11 AMP
When I think of the Father I see Him sitting in the garden early in the morning with His straw hat, giving water to all the flowers and making sure that there aren't any weeds in between. If there is, He goes down on His knees and uses the spade to take it out, every single part of it. And then He carefully places a new seed with the potential to carry beautiful flowers in its place. He works gently and with care, but sometimes for those weeds to be removed, the ground has to be broken to make place for something beautiful.
The enemy is trying to be a look-alike gardener. He gives special attention to those plants that take up all the water from the other plants. Those seeds destroy the garden and the potential that it once had.
So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.
Proverbs 4:23 TPT
To whom are you giving permission to be your guard-ener?
What is in your heart?
Kari Jobe - The Garden - https://youtu.be/Y43Z0WJLDS4