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Let Him speak


But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say. For it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

Matthew 10:19-20 (NIV)

Jesus called His twelve disciples together in Matthew 10 and gave them advice for the journey that awaited them. It was as if He was showing them a trailer to a real-life movie that was soon going to take place. He spoke the truth, not sugar-coating what life was going to be like as followers of Christ.

In relationships, at work, or just in your daily life, people will ask questions about your values and beliefs. It might feel like you are facing trials and tribulations of your own. It is in those times that we need to stand firm in what we believe in and be courageous to answer by letting the Holy Spirit speak through us. Sometimes it might feel like you've prepared so hard to say the right thing but when you come into that situation, you suddenly feel like you blanked out for a moment and have no words to say.

“...when they arrest you…”

Not "if" they arrest you, but "when".

Jesus told them that they will be arrested, harsh times will come, but in the same breath, He gave them hope. He assured them that the Holy Spirit will give them the words to say.

With this statement said, I do however have a question to ask.

If I want to water my garden, how will I be certain that the water will come out of the pipe? Well, maybe I have to make sure that there aren't any obstructions in the pipe or that the pipe isn't bent at certain places that can stop the water from flowing through.

The Holy Spirit is an overflowing fountain (Romans 15:13). If you want Him to speak through you, you have to die to your flesh and its desires. You have to get rid of all those obstructions: Unforgiveness, hatred, lust, and fear and give over to His Spirit to work through you.


Spend time in His Word. You shouldn't read the Bible out of guilt, but rather because you want to hear your Father's voice. You want to learn His language. When you read His Word, you will start to see how many promises He has in store for you. You will become aware when the world proclaims things over your life that is not in line with His Word. And because you have the Holy Spirit in you and you know His language, you will be able to stand up in truth and proclaim His promises over the situation. You will step into conversations unwavering because you know that He will speak through you. Trust Him and give Him control of the steering wheel of your life.

The same peace that the disciples received with these words is on the table for you as well. We need to be connected with the Holy Spirit so that we can trust Him with all our hearts to work and speak through us no matter what the circumstance might be.

I speak the truth in Christ – I am not lying, my conscience confirms it in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 9:1 (NIV)

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