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Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

It was such a blessing growing up in a house where my mother loved to bake or try out new things. I was always more than willing to try out her new creations. The only bad thing about it was that once I tasted it, I wanted more. It's strange how you can think that you are satisfied or full of something, but once you've tasted something else, you discover a hunger that you might not have even been aware of.

I didn't understand how a relationship with God should look like when I was a child. It was more a tradition than a relationship. Yes, I believed in Him, but I couldn't understand how others could get so lost in His presence and spend hours and hours reading His Word. At that stage, I just wanted to go play with my friends or watch a movie or something. I only read a devotion now and then to make me feel better about myself.

My father just has a way to explain things about God to me in a more practical way. It reminds me of how Jesus also explained things about Heaven, using examples on earth, so that his disciples could understand it better. My father helped me at that time in my life, to understand that it wasn't my love for God that was a problem in my relationship with Him, but it was the revelation that I had in my mind about His love for me that made it feel like there was a wall between me and God.

When I realized that He loved me, not because of what I can do for Him or how many verses I can read or memorize in a day, but just because of the fact that I am His child, it felt like a mountain fell off from my shoulders. I could approach the throne room of the Father without fear, but with joy, knowing that He cherishes every moment that I spent with Him. I left all those traditions at the door and grabbed His hand, knowing that He just wanted a special relationship with His children. Don't get me wrong, following devotions and teachings are great, it keeps us connected and disciplined, but it shouldn't stand in the way of having an honest and loving relationship with our Father.

So, to come back to the story about my mother and her outstanding baking skills. Some of us have been eating the leftovers all our lives long, and you might think that you are satisfied with that, but it is only because you haven't tasted the freshly baked goods that God has in store for you (Psalm 34:8). Once you've tasted His food, you will never be satisfied with anything apart from that.

If you are not hungry dear one, it might just be that you are full of something else.

The type of food you eat is determined by which restaurant you go to or which place you order from. My Father's house always has more than enough for you. His table is overflowing with new creations for you to try out. You never have to leave the table. Around His presence you are safe and you can just sit and talk to Him. God is not scared of questions my friend, around His table you can ask Him those questions that you've kept in your heart for quite some time now. We as followers of Christ sometimes make the mistake to think that we shouldn't ask questions. Have you ever spent time with a toddler who won't stop asking questions? They ask questions because they are curious. Curiosity makes us interested in something. God wants us to be curious about His word.

So eat His food, His Word, and ask for the recipe, ask Him about the method. The kingdom of God is made for the curious and the seekers (Luke 18:16-17).

He's waiting for you at the table.

Seeing what was happening, Jesus called for the parents, the children, and his disciples to come and listen to him. Then he told them, “Never hinder a child from coming to me but let them all come, for God’s kingdom belongs to them as much as it does to anyone else. These children demonstrate to you what faith is all about. Learn this well: unless you receive the revelation of the kingdom the same way a little child receives it, you will never be able to enter in.”

Luke 18:16-17 (TPT)

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May 15, 2021

So waar!!!! Thank You God for the revelation of a Relationship with You! 👐

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